No matter the weather, we can ride together
We all know it: there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. Still, bad weather can be an excellent excuse for not going on a pump track. That excuse no longer counts with an asphalt pump track. How comes? Read on to find it out.
The crucial thing about a pump track is the material it is made of. Let’s look at the two different types of pump tracks – dirt and asphalt. Both serve the same purpose of bringing fun to users of all ages. But when it comes to extreme weather conditions, the usability narrows.
Dirt pump tracks: ever-changing
Pump tracks were originally made of dirt, which allows frequent changes and improvements, but at the same time requires a lot of maintenance. In fact, the dirt surface is constantly changing and wearing away. It is impossible to ride on dirt pump tracks for a long time after rain or during a drought.
Asphalt pump tracks: All-weather fun for everyone
In contrast to dirt pump tracks, asphalt-built pump tracks are not subject to changes in weather. These durable and long-lasting asphalt pump tracks can be used in all sorts of weather conditions if the path is clear of snow and ice. In addition, asphalt pump tracks require minimal maintenance, while the user experience is consistent and safe. This is why we believe asphalt pump tracks are a perfect solution for your destination or municipality.
So, dress warmly, grab your bike (or any other gear on wheels), find the nearest Alliance pump track, and enjoy it! And please, don’t forget to play it safe – extra caution and safety gear are greatly appreciated!
Missing a pump track near you? We can help. Contact us and we will find a solution for the best pump track far and wide.