Pumptrack in Skopje officially open
Pumptrack in Skopje has been officially opened last week. After we have finished with our works in July, the municipal services took care for landscaping and amenities. Pumptrack in Skopje, as the first asphalt pumptrack in Skopje and North Macedonia, became also the biggest such object in the whole region. Huge number of visitors at the opening ceremony that rode the pumptrack till the morning hours confirmed just how much the City of Skopje needed such object.
Pumptrack stretches on more than 1700m2 and is divided in two parts. Smaller pumptrack is intended to beginners, kids and impaired users on wheelchairs, while the larger one is intended for advanced users on bikes, skateboards, rollers, scooters and other sports equipment on wheels.
At the opening we were present with our team Flow Ramps, that took care for the demonstration of correct and safe pumptrack usage and amazed the crowd with their stunts. Due to the very positive feedback from the users, we are already planning new pumptracks around Skopje.
Interested to get pumptrack in your neighbourhood? Contact us and we would help you to find the optimal solution.