In Rače we have built both, a pump track and a skate park next to each other.
Skate parks were and still are popular urban sports infrastructures. They represent a progressive environment, where especially younger generations can develop a variety of motoric skills on skateboards, BMX bikes, rollerblades, or scooters. However, most of the skateparks require a certain level of skills to ride and enjoy the thrill of the skatepark. On the other hand pump tracks is the newest trend in the field of urban sports infrastructure. On contrary to skate parks they address the widest spectrum of users as they are suitable for beginners as well a for the most experienced users from the age of 2 till the age of 70. Not only they are suitable for skateboards but for almost any other wheeled sports equipment and even wheelchairs. That is why it is not surprising that many old skate parks are rebuilt into pump tracks. They still serve the same target groups, only that with pump tracks their appeal is even wider to the general population
When there are enough potential users, skate parks can be implemented along pump tracks or vice versa as such combination enables long-term progression and attractiveness as one object complements another. There are several ways to combine a skate park and pump track that varies from building them together as one object or one next to another. From our experience the first option has several safety issues as users interfere with each other, that is why we rather plan and built them as two separate objects that are located closely together.