St. Radegund

Pump track St. Radegund

Dettagli del progetto

  • Anno: 2021
  • Superficie: 1520 m²
  • Area pavimentata: 450 m²

The pump track in St. Radegund has been built as the one go-to facility in the area. The area of St. Radegund is a bit remote and the distance to the other sports infrastructure is too big. That’s why the municipality decided to build a pump track that would satisfy the needs of the locals as a multi-purpose sports facility.

Pump tracks are a global trend among the sports infrastructure. Consequently, their popularity in Austria is rapidly increasing. The popularity of these circular asphalt tracks with rollers and berms is based on their innovative approach to movement – users move not with pedaling or pushing but with the movement of their body weight up and down and back and forth. 

Addressing more than 15 sports and 3 Olympic disciplines, the pump track as a single object represents a multi-purpose sports facility. It can be used by almost any bike, striders, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards, and other sports equipment on wheels, including wheelchairs. As such it is a truly unique environment for anyone between the age of 2 and 70, bringing together families and the whole community.