The pump track in Bad Radkersburg is placed in the immediate vicinity of the rehabilitation center. The pump track is specially adapted to the needs of wheelchair users. With the help of a pump track, they will be able to upgrade their skills and wheelchair management.
When the main target groups are kids, beginners, or people with special needs, we design less technical pump track with smaller berms, rollers, and other features. Berms and other features are lower as the expected speeds are also lower. In most cases, berms are 1 m high (or even lower), while other features are even smaller. Usually, such pump tracks are also smaller in size. While kids & beginners only pump tracks are limiting the spectrum of users, they are very suitable at kids parks, skills parks, restaurants, shopping malls, schools, family resorts, etc. Kids’ pump tracks can be also ridden with wheelchairs.
Examples of such pump tracks are the ones we have built at Kaisermühlen in Vienna as part of a bike motoric park, the one we have builtin the scope of a huge kids playground area at the Wildschoeanu ski resort, and now the special case of Bad Radkersburg where a pump track is specially adapted to the needs of wheelchair users.