Finished second pump track in Moscow
Last fall we have in cooperation with our partners FK Ramps built the biggest asphalt pumptrack in Russia. It stretches on more than 5000m2 in Moscow Maryno district. Due to the good feedback from the users, more districts in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia started to look for such infrastructure. In the beginning of July, we have consequently finished with the construction of second asphalt pumptrack in Moscow in the area of ex Cherkizovo market. As the pumptrack is part of larger new sports park we had to wait with the finalization of landscaping works on other contractors.
Pumptrack that stretches on more than 1700m2 lays next to the skate park. While the skate park is intended for more experienced users, unique configuration of a pumptrack serves wide spectrum of users. Asphalt pumptracks are suitable for ages 2 and up as well and are suitable also for experienced riders. Asphalt pumptrack are suitable for bikes as well as for users on other sport equipment on wheels (skateboards, scooters, striders, etc.) and even on wheelchairs. As a consequence, we believe that the pumptrack will be a great addition to the park and will attract users from the neighbourhood as well as from other parts of Moscow.
While waiting on the official opening we are already building new pumptrack in Russia, this time in Sevastopol. Interested to build a pumptrack in your vicinity? Contact us, we would be happy to help!