Pumptrack rješenja za građevinske tvrtke i graditelje

Možemo vam pomoći specijaliziranim znanjem i iskustvom u izgradnji pumptracka.

0+ t

Asphalt used


Pump tracks




Years of Experience

Usluge koje nudimo
za velike i male projekte



Ideation, conception, and visualization



Detailed planning and tender documentation



Cost estimations and tender documentation


Knowledge transfer

We teach you how to build a pump track



Full-scale construction



Specialist construction supervision


Razvoj ideje, koncepta i vizualizacija



Stručni građevinski nadzor



Detaljno planiranje i natječajna dokumentacija


Kompletna izgradnja



Procjena troškova i natječajna dokumentacija


Prijenos znanja

Učimo vas kako graditi pumptrack

Why Build a Pump Track?


A pump track combines over 15 sports as well as wheelchairs in a single facility, suitable for users of all ages and skill levels. From beginner to expert, our pump tracks are sure to provide hours of fun for everyone.


Due to its asphalt surface, the pump track is durable and safe from weather and vandalism, while requiring minimal maintenance. All Alliance pump tracks come with a 7-year warranty.


Designed in close cooperation with safety experts and professional athletes, Alliance pump tracks are safe for users of age 2+ and are certified to comply with all corresponding norms.

Fast and simple

The implementation of a pump track is fast and simple. We at Alliance take care of the entire process, from planning and construction to an attractive opening. We build most of the pump tracks in under 3 weeks.

Revive neighborhoods

A Pump track is not just a sports facility. Due to their unique and attractive look, a wide range of users, and the ability to position them on smaller areas in the immediate vicinity of users, pump tracks revive urban centers and neighborhoods and revitalize unused or degraded areas.

Promotes healthy and active lifestyle

Pump tracks are an attractive multisport playground, providing hours of fun and healthy exercise for the entire community. As such they empower a healthy and active lifestyle as well as social integration.

Zašto nam klijenti vjeruju?

S više od desetljeća iskustva iza sebe, u implementaciji infrastrukture za akcijske sportove, znamo što funkcionira, a što ne. Mi ćemo se pobrinuti za sve što vam je potrebno da dobijete uzbudljivo mjesto koje će vaša zajednica voljeti.

Jedna točka kontakta

Pružamo cijeli opseg usluga u rasponu od koncepcije do detaljnog planiranja izgradnje, održavanja i promocije vašeg pumptracka. Budući da nismo posrednici, možemo nadzirati cijeli proces te osigurati brzu montažu i najvišu moguću kvalitetu.


Our highly experienced construction crews have been constructing pump tracks and other action sports infrastructure around the world and are available to visit your selected location on a short notice

Comply with standards 

Our certified engineers, planners, and construction crews take care of our pump tracks to comply with all relevant standards and norms thus you will have no issues with acceptance of our projects from the investors or regulators.

Stručno znanje

Stvaranje organskih oblika i asfaltiranje gotovo okomitih kosina zahtijeva posebne vještine. S više od 200 izgrađenih pumptrackova i razvojem posebne asfaltne mješavine, naši timovi imaju sve što je potrebno za isporuku pumptracka visoke kvalitete za vašu zajednicu.

Peace of mind

Being dedicated to quality, we are proud to offer a long-term warranty for all our pump tracks. A 7-year- warranty is the longest in the industry and shows just how confident we are in our pump tracks.

We ride what we build

Our team consists of experts living an outdoor lifestyle. Everyone from a designer to a pump track builder is a passionate user of our facilities which is making our pump tracks great in every detail.


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